Missio Dei
God On Mission
At its essence, mission is the movement of God. We have only known God as one who goes. Though He is One, He exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Spirit. These three move in perfect harmony as God draws creation back to Himself. The mission of God is to restore everything to its original intended purpose and place: worship of the Most High.
God Sends
Throughout history, we see that we have a God who is not far away, as many might conclude, but who comes near to us and interacts with us. Through the generations of God's interaction with humans, one pattern persists: God sends His people to accomplish his purposes. The only right response to God, who sends, is joyful and wholehearted obedience.
We Have Been Sent
As citizens of God's heavenly kingdom, we are outsiders on this earth. Yet we are bound to live within the context of human culture. God sends all of His people to be His ambassadors among the peoples of the earth. As missionaries, we constantly struggle with how to live out the unchanging, universal gospel in an ever-changing, sin-filled culture.